Ultra-tec® Clip-on-Stop
Ideal for use with cables that are cut and the fittings are attached at the factory or by the distributor.
Intermediate posts can be drilled for the 1/4” stop to pass through. No field swaging is required. Or you can swage them in the field if you wish. A special clip and washer secure the stop to the end of the cable. Pipe or round tubing end posts are counterbored so the full perimeter of the head of the stop rests on a flat surface in the pipe. The stop rests against the outside wall of a flat-sided post. For swaging at the factory or by a distributor, determine the hardware to use on the tensioning end of the cable, then check with the factory or distributor to determine the cable lengths to be provided with the swaged fittings attached. Stop, washer and clip are included. Available for 1/8”
and 3/16” cable.